

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 8:30-21:00




課程價格: 請咨詢客服






Web International Program is comprised of 8 stages: Icebreaker; Threshold; Beginner; Lower Intermediate; Business-intermediate; Intermediate; Business-Advanced; Advanced. Progressive study objectives are set for each stage to effectively guide students toward mastery of the language. - 入門 Icebreaker能夠使用少量的詞匯和語法,進行一些簡短的日常對話。To be able to use some words and grammar, to make simple conversations. - 基礎(chǔ) Threshold能夠了解少量的語言模式,就自己的興趣和見解進行簡單的英語對話。To be able to learn some English language patterns, to talk about daily activities. - 進階 Beginner能夠運用正確結(jié)構(gòu)的簡單句表達有關(guān)個人的信息,具備在國外生活的基本語言能力。To be able to give personal information with the past, present and future tense. Basic language ability of living abroad. - 中級 Lower Intermediate運用簡單句型描述日常生活,可自由與外國人進行日常交流。 To be able to decribe daily life with simple sentences and to talk freely with English speakers about daily activites. - 中高級 Intermediate能夠在任何場景中進行交流,熟悉語言結(jié)構(gòu)并掌握在工作環(huán)境中運用英語的能力。To be familiar with the language struture and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations. - 商務(wù)進階 Business-intermediate將在典型的商務(wù)環(huán)境中加強商務(wù)用詞的拓展,內(nèi)容涉及:商務(wù)會議、談判、面試、以及客戶服務(wù)、生產(chǎn)、市場、金融等等 。To enlarge business vocabulary, and to be able to communicate in English in typical business situations, such as meetings, negotiation and interviews.Other areas include: customer service, manufacturing, marketing , finance, and so on. - 商務(wù)高級 Business-Advanced運用更復(fù)雜和邏輯性更強的句子,圍繞商務(wù)的需要:例如商務(wù)旅行、策略制定、保險與銀行、市場調(diào)研等等進行學(xué)習(xí)和表達。同時更注意了商務(wù)的寫作能力。To be able to use complicated and analytical expressions, focused on topics such as business negotiations, policy making, and activity design, business writing is also emphasized. - 專家級 Advanced語言以達到一般外國人的水平,不僅日常用語表達自如,且能夠進行復(fù)雜的學(xué)術(shù)性探討。To be able to talk about all daily activities as well as academic subjects. To achieve almost native speaker-like fluency. 韋博英語學(xué)習(xí)過程介紹 1. 當您*次來到韋博國際英語時,我們的前臺客戶服務(wù)人員會記錄下您的個人聯(lián)絡(luò)信息,并隨后安排專業(yè)的課程顧問與您會面。When you first step into Web International, our receptionists will register your personal information and introduce you to a Course Consultant. 2. 課程顧問會向您詳細介紹韋博國際英語的學(xué)習(xí)方法、特點及注意事項。The Course Consultant will present the learning method used here at Web International and show you the advantages of our teaching system, as well as demonstrating how the Web Internationalmethods differs from other traditional learning methods. 3. 科學(xué)準確的分級測試系統(tǒng)全面測試您的英語水平,幫助您確定學(xué)習(xí)的起點。課程顧問會根據(jù)測試結(jié)果為您設(shè)計課程、辦理入學(xué)手續(xù)、并安排一名專門的英語指導(dǎo)幫助您完成在韋博國際英語的課程學(xué)習(xí)。Our computer-based placement tests will assess your current language level.Our Course Consultant will develop a course schedule according to the assessment results and then help you with the enrollment process. Following this, you will be assigned to a personal tutor who will assist you in completing your study at Web International. 4. 您的語言指導(dǎo)為您上入學(xué)的*課:教授您如何使用多媒體語言實驗室、如何預(yù)訂外教課程、遇到困難如何求助等等。Your tutor will give you an orientation class. This class will cover how to use our Multimedia Lab and how to book the Private Classes and Salon Classes that are given by our native English-speaking teachers. You will also learn where you can find assistance when you encounter difficulties. 5. 現(xiàn)在您來到多媒體語言實驗室學(xué)習(xí)區(qū)正式開始學(xué)習(xí)。我們?yōu)槊块T課程都設(shè)置了相應(yīng)的測試或測驗,以確保您能循序漸進地完成學(xué)習(xí)課程。如果您對系統(tǒng)學(xué)習(xí)方法有任何疑問,實驗室語言指導(dǎo)會立即為您解答。Once you start your study in the Multimedia Lab, you will find that we have set various practices and assessments for each course.This is in order to help you accomplish your study goals step by step. If you have any questions in the lab, our tutor on duty is always there to help you. 6. 您可以根據(jù)學(xué)生練習(xí)冊來復(fù)習(xí)和練習(xí)所學(xué)的全部課程。We will also provide a Student's Book for you to review and practise all the lessons. 7. 當您通過一課的測驗,經(jīng)驗語言指導(dǎo)確認后,開始學(xué)習(xí)外籍教師小班課。在這里,您可以練習(xí)所學(xué)的知識并由外教糾正出現(xiàn)的錯誤。After a tutor checks your computer studies, you will be given a Private Class by a Foreign Teacher, during which you can practise what you have learned. The Foreign Teacher will address mistakes that you make. It is important you try to speak as much as possible in this class. 8. 我們還開設(shè)了沙龍課以提高您的口語水平。所有的授課教師均為英語為母語的專業(yè)外籍教師。As an extra support to the Private Classess, we also have Salon Classes with a Foreign Teacher to help you improve your English. 9. 除了參加以上的必修課外,您還可以在每天的下午和晚上參加由外籍教師帶領(lǐng)的英語互動交流課、原聲電影欣賞課……以提高您英語的聽說能力。In addition, you can improve your listening comprehension and speaking ability in our Foreign Teacher led interactive clubs and movie classes. 10. 當您略感學(xué)習(xí)疲憊時,學(xué)校還準備了閱讀室和上網(wǎng)區(qū)。The school also provides you with a Reading Room and Internet Facilities. 11. 豐富多彩的課外活動(郊游、晚餐、購物、運動……)讓您在真實的英語環(huán)境中學(xué)習(xí)純正的英語。A variety of Extra Curricular Activities (Outings, Dinner, Shopping trips, Sports clubs)will help you improve your English in an authentic English-speaking environment. 12. 級別考試后,您就可以參加我們定期舉辦的畢業(yè)典禮,接受校長的祝福和韋博國際英語的畢業(yè)證書。After a final presentation, you will be invited to take part in a Graduation Ceremony and will receive a certificate from Web International English 【托福考試】TOEFL是"Test of English as a Foreign Language"的縮寫,由美國教育考試中心ETS (Educational Testing Service)在全球舉辦的,針對母語非英語的人進行的英語水平的考試?,F(xiàn)在已成為出國留學(xué)(美國、加拿大)的必備考試成績,而從某種程度上也是一種英語水平的測試,成為某些外企衡量英語水平的標準,在美國和加拿大,已有超過2,000所*和承認這項考試成績,滿分677。 【托業(yè)考試】TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication(國際交流英語測評)。美國教育考試服務(wù)處(ETS)在1979開發(fā)了TOEIC考試,是針對在國際工作環(huán)境中使用英語交流的人們的英語能力的測評。TOEIC考試已經(jīng)成為全球很多需要評估待聘用的和現(xiàn)有員工英語能力的機構(gòu)認可的標準,滿分990分。 【TESOL】全稱為Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages,由TESOL協(xié)會主辦,是全球*推出國際英語教師資格認證體系,并得到聯(lián)合國認可的非*機構(gòu),其技術(shù)水準代表了英語教學(xué)技能的國際標準。擁有TESOL,成為英語語言培訓(xùn)領(lǐng)域的專家,即擁有了在世界各國從事以英語為第二語言的教學(xué)的資格。 國際英語教育研究協(xié)會在韋博國際英語率先設(shè)立TESOL英語教師認證考培中心,這是TESOL證書首次在上海設(shè)立考培中心,并首次和有實力的高端英語培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)的合作。