

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00







作文:With the development of the national economy, Chinesepeople are getting richer and richer that their style of living and the way ofthinking are changing in different ways. One of the great changes is that moreand more parents incline to send their children abroad to get higher educationwhich is quite different from the one in China. Some of them even send the studentsin middle school or elementary school to different countries. Therefore, wehave lots of teenager students studying abroad. Personally I think, some of theteenagers are not mature enough to take care of themselves, especially some ofthem even have no ideas on how to study. They are not independent. When theyare at home,they depend on their parents or grandparents. Therefore,it iseasy for them to get lost both in their life and in their study. My suggestionis that we should not send the teenagers abroad too early, and the best timefor being abroad to study is after the graduation from the college oruniversity. Perhaps,that is much better.


With the rapid development of society, wehave entered an era of information explosion. In order to acquire moreknowledge, more and more scholars and students in our country decide to furthertheir study abroad. But is it reasonable for everyone to go overseas for study?

Definitely, studying abroad brings aboutmany advantages. It widens students’ knowledge and horizons, meanwhilecultivates their independence and personalities, and also it benefits theirforeign language.

Firstly, students can learn advancedknowledge and experience abroad. Since the policy of reform and open to theoutside world, Chinahas strengthened cooperations with many countries. As a result, the scientificand technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, compared withthe developed countries in the world, we still have a very long way to go.Studying abroad provides opportunities to students, who can learn advancedknowledge and management experience, then they come back to enhance thescientific level of our country.

Also, studying abroad can cultivatestudents’ abilities to live independently and form their own characters.Students have to deal with many problems when they study abroad. They have tolearn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with theteachers and classmates. During their studies, they can acquire someinterpersonal skills.

What’ more, studying abroad can provide agood language environment for students and make it easy to pick up a language.Foreign language is a tool employed to communicate with each other. It canremove language barrier and make international cooperations much easier

However,“Every coin has its two sides”.Studying abroad also brings about many disadvantages. For example, studentswill be confronted with so many psychological problems. They often feel lonelyand helpless in a new environment. Furthermore, the tuition is very high, whichis a very heavy financial burden to the average people

To sum up, the advantages of studying abroadseem outweigh the counterparts. But, in my opinion, studying abroad is not justas easy as sending someone to an unacquainted environment and dreaming of beinga future scientist or expert. The economic and psychological problems aredefinitely needed to be taken into account before you make the choice.








Forthe advantages: You are rather capable of enligh-listening,speaking,writting,and no doubt that you can get acomfortable job in foreign companies or any company whose main transaction iswith english or the pro you have learned outside.Furthermore,you can learnquite diversiform advanced techs or theories,with which you may make a gooddeal.

Forth e disadvantages:When you are back,you are surely not familiar with thesurrounding and the culture or convention it has.

It is hard for you to get a confidant unlessthe ones who have the same or alike background with you or those who can speakforeign,but that is of little possibility,therefore you may become lonely orvery uncomfortable.

可用語句:1.Due to the good learning environment,students most spending big, become a luxury

2.Indeed, manywell-known people overseas. However, we must be clear, this basically is awell-known figure in modern China,then the field of culture and education is very backward. But now, theeducation of our country is developing rapidly, reaching the advanced level ofmany famous overseas, many trained bachelor

3.Today we aredebating the topic is:”Which is better, studying abroad or the domesticuniversity?”

This problembelongs to the benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom, not lumptogether. First of all, students and parents should evaluate themselvesobjectively, because the foreign education system with domestic different,students' learning mode is also different, especially abroad, self-learningability of students is very high; and away from parents, students will have theability to live independently? If the student life ability is poor, orself-study ability is poor, or in the domestic university better.4.

4.Although foreignquality education overall better than the domestic, it just says foreign topuniversity, developed city of our country university also pay attention toquality education, than many university abroad. If the quality is high, weshould choose to study abroad

5. China's famous university also has a relativelyhigh academic level and advanced research facilities. What’s more, byunderstanding a new culture and meeting different people, students can developa more reasonable and balanced view towards the world. Last but not least, theexperience will be invaluable to character building, which makes most studentsmore independent, diligent and enterprising.




The history of the Chinese students abroad shows that the students abroad from Ling-nan of the late Qing period made a great contribution to early Sino-West cultural exchange in modern time.


Since reform and opening-up, there have been 1.6 million Chinese students studying abroad, up by nearly 270 times.


Accomplishing the ultimate objective of studying abroad policy needs the ideological and political education to be the political guarantee.


Study overseas can be the adventure of a lifetime, and the majority of these experiences are healthy and safe.


Ideally, those who get" gilt" experiences abroad can return home, helping purify the domestic academic atmosphere and enhance research levels.


In order to reduce culture shock it would be beneficial for the students abroad to obtain specific training both in the foreign language and in cross cultural competence.


Through studying and passing the exams, students are able to prove that they are prepared for university study and have the ability to excel in undergraduate courses.

Are you planning to go abroad too?

His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.

I do not place much hope in studying abroad.


But today she called me that she would go abroad to study soon.


But study abroad is not suitable for everyone because of the high cost, fees.


Your parents also may need to tell the program personnel how they feel aboutyour studying abroad.You'll also have to go through interviews with schools orsponsoring organizations.


You are a person with feelings and relocating overseas is a big event.


So study abroad is one way but not the only way to one's education and success.


In addition to the U.S.-Government-sponsored programs listed above, below aresome resources on study abroad for students who have traditionally beenunderrepresented in this area.


Sorry for quitting at this time, but I’ve decided to study abroad.


Now, more and more students choose to study abroad.


So it’s generally not a good idea to make a study abroad decision in one dayeither.


B: So tell me, the last time I saw you, you were planning to go abroad to study, weren’t you?


Still, I hope my suggestions will be of assistance to students(including previousones of my own) who will study abroad from 2004 onward and I wish all the very best of success.


The returning scientists are reversing a trend that began in 1978, whenCommunist China first allowed students to go abroad. It used to be that when theyleft, they left for good.


We need more students choosing to study abroad.


Exhibitor of Beijing Spring Real Estate Trade Show said"Overseas real estateprojects are very complex, including pure real estate, investment, study abroad,immigration projects and so on.


Now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring morequalified students from other countries to study here.


With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijing’s education officials.


The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseascontinuing his studies. They shared their love through emails and phone calls.


Ahmed and Umniah have both just been accepted onto a government scholarshipprogram which will pay for their tuition and expenses at universities abroad.


With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijing’s education officials.


With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijing’s education officials.

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