

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 8:30-21:00

蕭山外教口語學(xué)習(xí)班招生_蕭山Talk Show口語學(xué)習(xí)班_蕭山語泉外教口語培訓(xùn)



課程價格: 請咨詢客服






2011年語泉外教脫口秀3月3日開班_蕭山Talk Show口語學(xué)習(xí)班_蕭山外教口語學(xué)習(xí)班招生_蕭山新世界外教口語培訓(xùn),咨詢熱線;24小時在線; 外教脫口秀3月3日開班 一. “Talk Show口語”各級別描述 起點階段 0級 熟練掌握26個字母及國際音標(biāo),學(xué)會單詞完整拼讀及練習(xí)基本聽力能力,了解基礎(chǔ)會話模式。 入門口語階段 1-3級 學(xué)習(xí)簡單的禮貌打招呼用語; 掌握基本日常會話,如自我介紹和介紹他人、介紹工作;學(xué)習(xí)如何描述人們外表形象; 學(xué)會如何表達喜好,簡單談?wù)撚嘘P(guān)家庭、飲食、天氣、時間、公共交通、休假等; 能進行日常生活的簡單英語交流。 生活口語階段 4-6級 學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)摴ぷ?、運動、健康、體育、休閑娛樂、*社會熱點等; 掌握電話用語及互聯(lián)網(wǎng)溝通用語; 擁有更為地道的英語交流能力,在日常生活各個場景中流利地與人交流。 交流口語階段 7-9級 熟練掌握生活中各個重要場合的用語: 學(xué)習(xí)如何在餐廳點餐、在診所就醫(yī)、與朋友逛街、休閑娛樂、談?wù)摕狳c話題; 學(xué)習(xí)能夠在任何場景中進行交流,熟悉語言結(jié)構(gòu)并培養(yǎng)社交場合中運用英語的能力。 商務(wù)口語階段 10-12級 學(xué)習(xí)如何用英語打招呼、問候客戶或公司來賓,進行自我介紹并進入商務(wù)話題; 學(xué)會商務(wù)電話及電子郵件用語;學(xué)習(xí)涉及商業(yè)、社會經(jīng)濟、營銷等相關(guān)日常會話; 學(xué)習(xí)公司各*及職位詞匯并能回答相關(guān)問題; 學(xué)習(xí)如何進行商務(wù)談判、外貿(mào)銷售,如何組織公差,包括預(yù)定機票,酒店房間及如何聯(lián)系客戶。 專家口語階段 13-15級 進一步學(xué)習(xí)日常生活及商務(wù)環(huán)境下的地道英語表達,學(xué)習(xí)深入探討涉及社會生活、社會熱點新聞話題、職業(yè)、商務(wù)等領(lǐng)域的話題; 學(xué)習(xí)必要的專業(yè)詞匯及表達,能準(zhǔn)確表達自己的觀點及理由;能與英語*人士進行自由流暢的溝通; 能流利地用英文進行商務(wù)談判、會議報告、產(chǎn)品介紹、與國外團隊合作等。 二. “Talk Show口語”教學(xué)場景再現(xiàn)(照片) 三. 優(yōu)秀學(xué)員現(xiàn)身說法——“Talk Show口語”祝您越洋無極限 我是一名大型國資企業(yè)的總經(jīng)理助理,以前通過了英語六級考試,工作三年后,感覺到自己的職業(yè)遇到了瓶頸,我想跳槽到外資企業(yè)去發(fā)展,于是獵頭公司把我推薦給多家*外企,我滿懷信心的去面試,業(yè)務(wù)能力方面我一路過關(guān)斬將,到了HR經(jīng)理面試我時,他們用全英語對我進行面試,我似懂非懂,含糊作答,*他們遺憾的通知我,我失去這個機會了。 我真的很后悔自己沒有好好提高英語聽說能力,詞匯量也隨著時間的推移而忘記很多, 在網(wǎng)上看到語泉教育推出了Talk show 英語口語課程,經(jīng)過了解和咨詢,我報名參加了這個課程的后三個級別:交流,商務(wù),專家級。 這些話題設(shè)置來源于生活,來自最真切的商務(wù)場景,通過近90個小時的資深商務(wù)外籍教師的扎實密切訓(xùn)練,我的英語水平不但提高了,同時商務(wù)能力,比如談判技巧,公文書寫,商務(wù)接待等方面的業(yè)務(wù)能力也得到了進一步的提升,我的口語流利地道,我的儀態(tài)大方親切,我自信極了。 告訴大家一個好消息:我通過 Talk Show 口語的學(xué)習(xí),為我的求職助了一臂之力,我現(xiàn)在在一家世界500強的公司做公關(guān)部經(jīng)理,年薪40萬。 感謝語泉教育,感謝這里專業(yè)且敬業(yè)的中外教老師! 四. “Talk Show口語”各級別教學(xué)大綱 入門級——生活級——交流級——商務(wù)級——專家級 1. 入門口語階段 1-3級 學(xué)習(xí)簡單的禮貌打招呼用語; 掌握基本日常會話,如自我介紹和介紹他人、介紹工作;學(xué)習(xí)如何描述人們外表形象; 學(xué)會如何表達喜好,簡單談?wù)撚嘘P(guān)家庭、飲食、天氣、時間、公共交通、休假等; 能進行日常生活的簡單英語交流。 級別 課次 主題 重點 口語1級 1 Nice to meet you! 很高興認識你 Introducing yourself; introducing someone; exchanging personal information; saying hello to others. 介紹自己和別人,交換個人信息 2 Greetings and Saying goodbye 問候和再見 How to greet, small talk, how to say goodbye in different occasions. 如何打招呼和聊天,道別 3 Numbers 數(shù)字表達 Learn the numbers from 1-20,30.40-100 學(xué)習(xí)數(shù)字的表達,1-100 4 Making a phone call 打電話 Can express the telephone numbers in English and understand them correctly, master the right expressions of telephone conversation 學(xué)會正確用英語表達電話號碼,聽懂電話號碼,學(xué)會正確的電話英語表達 5 Where is it? 它在哪里? Learn some important prepositions, such as in, on., under, between, etc 學(xué)習(xí)介詞,表達一個事物所處的位置 6 Talk about weather 談?wù)撎鞖?Words about weather, like and dislike, some adjectives about feelings. 關(guān)于天氣的詞匯,喜歡和不喜歡,形容詞描述感受 7 What time is it? 時間的表達 Learn how to say the time correctly. 學(xué)習(xí)如何表達時間,問和答 8 What day is today? What’s the date? 今天周幾?今天幾號? Learn the vocabulary of seven days in a week and the 12 months 學(xué)習(xí)一周七天,一年十二個月的表達 9 Asking the way 問路 Learn some words about places, some prep.and adv. How to give directions 學(xué)習(xí)地點的一些單詞,介詞和副詞,如何指路 10 What’s your favorite colour? 你*什么顏色? Learn words of colours in common use,like and dislike 學(xué)習(xí)顏色的單詞,表達喜歡和不喜歡 口語2級 11 What are you doing? 你在做什么? Learn some verbs about actions and describe your actions and what others are doing. 學(xué)習(xí)一些常見的動作動詞,會描述自己或他人在做什么. 12 What is your hobby? 你愛好什么? Learn to use some words about entertainment and sports. 學(xué)習(xí)一些常見的娛樂,體育類單詞,表達自己的愛好 13 What’s for lunch? 午餐吃什么? Learn the vocabulary of meals, foods and dishes. 學(xué)習(xí)三餐的表示方法,常見西方食品和中式食物的英語表達。 14 Do you like apples? 你喜歡蘋果嗎? Learn the words of fruits and express likes and dislikes, the adjectives about flavor. 學(xué)習(xí)水果的單詞,表達喜歡和不喜歡,味道的形容詞。 15 I am wearing boots today. 我今天穿的是靴子 Learn some words of clothes, describe someone’s clothes and what they are wearing. 學(xué)習(xí)衣服類詞匯,描述某人的衣著 16 Going shopping 購物 How to ask for price and how to bargain 如何表達價格,簡單的討價還價 17 Housework 家務(wù)勞動 Learn some words and phrases about housework,talk about the activities. 學(xué)習(xí)一些家務(wù)的詞組單詞,談?wù)摷覄?wù)勞動 18 I love my family 我愛我家 Learn words of family members, describe ages, vocation, appearance. 學(xué)習(xí)家庭成員的單詞,簡單描述他們的年齡,職業(yè),長相等 19 Where are you from? 你從哪里來? Learn some words about nations,capitals and nationalities, the seven continents 學(xué)習(xí)*,首都,國籍的單詞,世界七大洲的名稱 20 I have a pet. 我有一個寵物 Learn some words of animas, likes and dislikes, some adjectives to describe animals 學(xué)習(xí)常見動物的單詞,表達喜歡和不喜歡,學(xué)習(xí)一些描述動物的形容詞 口語3級 21 I have a big flat. 我有一個大套房 Learn some words of different rooms, facilities, description and the use of prepositions. 學(xué)習(xí)各種房間的名稱,房間設(shè)施,描述,介詞的掌握 22 I am sick. 我病了 Learn some words of organs, diseases, learn how to describe symptoms 學(xué)習(xí)身體部位和器官的單詞,描述癥狀 23 Travel 旅行 Learn some words of some famous scenic spots both in China and in the world, discuss the ways of traveling and some feeling of trips. 學(xué)習(xí)*和世界著名的風(fēng)景名勝表達,談?wù)撀眯蟹绞?,旅行感受等? 24 Making an appointment 商務(wù)約會 Learn how to make, change and cancel an appointment 學(xué)習(xí)如何預(yù)約,改變,取消商務(wù)約會,常見對話表達 25 Sightseeing in Hangzhou 游在杭州 Learn the names of famous scenic spots in Hangzhou, some specialty and souvenir, introduction to Hangzhou tour. 學(xué)習(xí)杭州著名的一些景點的英文名稱,杭州特產(chǎn)和紀(jì)念品等,如何簡單介紹杭州旅游 26 Sports and fun 運動的快樂 Learn some events of sports, terms, talk about their favorite sports and feelings. 學(xué)習(xí)一些運動項目的名稱,項目的術(shù)語,談?wù)撟约合矚g的運動和感受 27 Going abroad 出國 Learn some names of big or famous countries and their capitals, products, etc, talk about studying and traveling abroad. 學(xué)習(xí)一些大的著名的*名稱和首都,物產(chǎn)等,討論出國學(xué)習(xí)的一些問題 28 At a hotel 在賓館 Learn the words about different kinds of rooms and facilities in a hotel, learn how to book, check in and check out. 學(xué)習(xí)賓館各種房間和設(shè)施的單詞,學(xué)習(xí)如何預(yù)訂,入住和結(jié)帳的對話 29 Going to a party 參加派對 Learn the customs and regulations of parties, learn how to express congratulation on different occasions. 學(xué)習(xí)如何著裝參加派對,在生日和婚禮或者畢業(yè)派對上如何說祝福話語 30 Shopping 購物 Learn the words of different dept. in a dept. store, how to ask price and offer help. 學(xué)習(xí)商場中的不同*的英語表達,如何問價格,回答,試穿,挑選等 2. 生活口語階段 4-6級 學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)摴ぷ?、運動、健康、體育、休閑娛樂、*社會熱點等; 掌握電話用語及互聯(lián)網(wǎng)溝通用語; 擁有更為地道的英語交流能力,在日常生活各個場景中流利地與人交流。 級別 課次 主題 重點 口語4級 31 Map reading, and directions. 地圖和指示 學(xué)習(xí)如何看地圖,指路和方向 Learn how to read a map and give directions 32 At the airport 在機場 Learn how to ask information about flights,arrival and departure, luggages, ect. 學(xué)習(xí)如何詢問航班信息,出發(fā),抵達,行李等的問訊。 33 Traditional Chinese Festivals *傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日1 Learn the customs of Spring Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. 學(xué)習(xí)春節(jié)和端午節(jié)的習(xí)俗,用對話的方式介紹這兩個節(jié)日。 34 Back from vacation 度假歸來 Learn how to introduce a vacation, words and expressions about a trip, describe experiences of the trip. 學(xué)習(xí)如何介紹假期,假期詞匯的表達,講述故事 35 At the post office 在郵局 Learn some words of post office, dialogues about its business, such as sending letters, parcels, etc. 學(xué)習(xí)郵局中的常見詞匯,業(yè)務(wù)的表達,如何寄送快件,信件,包裹等。 36 At the bank 在銀行 學(xué)習(xí)問詢存取款,兌換外幣等的詞匯和對話 Learn relative vocabulary and dialogues about depositing, withdrawing and changing money. 37 Hobbies and interests 興趣和愛好 Learn some words of personal interests and hobbies, talk about spare time activities. 學(xué)習(xí)一些興趣和愛好的單詞,談?wù)摌I(yè)余活動。 38 1. Difficulties when learning a new language. 我們學(xué)習(xí)外語遇到的困難 Discuss the difficulities when we learn English, share the ways and skills. 討論英語學(xué)習(xí)中遇到的聽說讀寫困難,老師和學(xué)生交流方法,學(xué)習(xí)一些技能技巧 39 Sports 運動會 Learn some words of Sports, discuss likes and dislikes. 學(xué)習(xí)運動的詞匯,討論喜歡和不喜歡的運動項目。 40 My favourite movies 我最喜歡的電影 Learn some English names of famous movies, some names of stars, the category of movies. 學(xué)習(xí)一些著名的電影名字的英語翻譯,國際巨星的名字和代表作,電影的分類等,討論自己喜歡的電影 口語5級 41 A hero in my mind 我心目中的英雄 談?wù)撔哪恐械挠⑿酆退麄兊墓适? Talk about the heros and heroines in your minds and relevant stories 42 The legendary story 傳奇 Learn and retell some legendary stories. 講述中外的一些傳奇故事 43 My hometown and my childhood 我的家鄉(xiāng)和我的童年 Talk about your hometowns and your childhood 談?wù)摷亦l(xiāng)和童年。 44 Appearance and character 外貌和性格 Learn some words of characters and appearance, talk about yourself and other’s Appearance and character 學(xué)習(xí)表達性格和外貿(mào)的單詞,描述本人和他人的外貌和性格。 45 English song learning.英語歌曲學(xué)習(xí) Learn to sing two English songs. 英語歌曲學(xué)習(xí) 46 Great inventions 偉大的發(fā)明 Talk about some great modern inventions and inventors in the world 談?wù)摻F(xiàn)代偉大的發(fā)明,發(fā)明家,他們發(fā)明的重大意義。 47 Thanksgiving Day 感恩節(jié) Learn some customs about Thanksgiving Day and the history of American Indians. 學(xué)習(xí)感恩節(jié),美國印第安人歷史,學(xué)習(xí)感恩節(jié)習(xí)俗 48 Halloween 萬圣節(jié) Learn some customs and traditions about Halloween. 學(xué)習(xí)萬圣節(jié)有關(guān)傳統(tǒng)和習(xí)俗。 49 Life changes and plans for the future 未來的生活改變和計劃 Make plans for the future. 學(xué)生做出對未來生活和學(xué)習(xí)的計劃。 50 Christmas Day 圣誕節(jié) Learn some customs and traditions about Christmas; learn 2 Christmas songs. 學(xué)習(xí)圣誕節(jié)有關(guān)傳統(tǒng)和習(xí)俗,學(xué)習(xí)圣誕歌曲兩首。 口語6級 51 My plan of summer/winter vacation 我的暑假/寒假計劃 Talk about the plans of summer/winter vacation 談?wù)摷倨谟媱? 52 Chinese food and western food 中餐和西餐 Learn some words about Chinese food and western food, some table manners 學(xué)習(xí)一些中外菜肴的英語表達,餐桌禮儀。 53 Accidents in life 生活中的事故 Learn some accidents in life and first aids. 學(xué)習(xí)掌握一些生活中常見事故及其救生方法 54 Celebrities and scandals. 名人和緋聞 Talk about some Celebrities and scandals 討論一些熱點名人的緋聞逸事 55 Traditional Chinese Festivals *傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日2 中秋節(jié)和春節(jié)習(xí)俗 Some customs about Mid-autumn Day and Spring Festival 56 American English and British English英式英語和美式英語 Learn some differences between AE and BE. 學(xué)習(xí)美式英語和英式英語的區(qū)別 57 Australia,the magic land 神奇的*,澳大利亞 了解澳大利亞的地理歷史人文知識 Learn the geography, history and culture of the country 58 1. Internet 2. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) Internet and your life 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和你的生活 59 News discussion. 熱點新聞討論 Discuss the latest news 討論最近熱點新聞 60 UK 英國 學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)英國的歷史地理,人文等 Learn the geography, history and culture of UK 3. 交流口語階段 7-9級 熟練掌握生活中各個重要場合的用語: 學(xué)習(xí)如何在餐廳點餐、在診所就醫(yī)、與朋友逛街、休閑娛樂、談?wù)摕狳c話題; 學(xué)習(xí)能夠在任何場景中進行交流,熟悉語言結(jié)構(gòu)并培養(yǎng)社交場合中運用英語的能力。 級別 課次 主題 重點 口語7級 61 City life and Country life 城市生活和鄉(xiāng)村生活 Learn some adjectives concerning city life and country life, the advantages and disadvantages of the two lifestyles 學(xué)習(xí)一些描述城市生活和鄉(xiāng)村生活的形容詞,討論兩種生活的優(yōu)缺點 62 My favorite American TV plays 我*的美劇 Watch a show, learn some idioms and slangs, talk about them 觀看美劇,學(xué)習(xí)俚語和俗語 63 Debate :online love affairs 辯論,網(wǎng)戀 Debate between Group A and Group B 小組間辯論 64 Campus life 校園生活 Talk about Campus life, the preparation for studying abroad. 討論*校園生活,出國留學(xué)的準(zhǔn)備 65 Chinglish 中式英語 The history of Chinglish; some tipical errors and how to utter appropriate expressions 中式英語的發(fā)展,典型錯誤,地道的表達 66 Idioms and slangs 俗語和俚語 Learn some Idioms and applicable slangs 學(xué)習(xí)一些英語俗語和俚語 67 Crime 犯罪 Learn some words of crime,criminals, and make up a detective story. 學(xué)習(xí)表示犯罪的一些單詞,編一個偵破故事 68 Generation gap 代溝 How and is why there generation gap? How to narrow it? 代溝如何形成的?如何縮小代溝? 69 Mixed marriage 國際婚姻 The advantages and disadvantages of mixed marriages; how to solve problems 國際婚姻的利與弊,出現(xiàn)的問題,如何解決? 70 Organizing and preparing a party. 組織和準(zhǔn)備一個party How to oganize and prepare a party; how to write an invitation and hold a party 如何組織和準(zhǔn)備一個party?寫邀請信函,如何接待? 口語8級 71 Healthy life style 健康的生活方式 What is a healthy and unhealthy life? How about you? 什么是健康和不健康的生活方式?你的生活方式如何? 72 Love and marriage 愛情和婚姻 Moving love stories; your own love story;happy marriage 感人的愛情故事,你的愛情故事,幸福的婚姻 73 Happy Thanksgiving 感恩節(jié)快樂 The history and customs of Thanksgiving, who do you want to thank and what to do and say? 感恩節(jié)歷史,習(xí)俗;你要感謝誰,說給他/她什么? 74 The history of the USA 美國歷史 Learn the geography, history and culture of USA 美國的地理歷史風(fēng)土人情。 75 The wedding 婚禮 Words of wedding; some customs; the differences betweeen China and western countries. 婚禮的單詞,習(xí)俗,中外習(xí)俗差別。 76 Fairy tales 童話故事 Read a famous fairy tale and make a role play 每個人分享一個著名的童話故事,分角色扮演 77 Body language 身體語言 The interpretation of some common body languages, the differences between different countries. 常見的身體語言的解釋,不同*身體語言的差異。 78 TV advertising. 電視廣告 The TV ad. you like and dislike, appreciate some good ad, the effect of the TV ad. 你最喜歡的和不喜歡的電視廣告,設(shè)計一個產(chǎn)品的廣告,欣賞幾則優(yōu)秀的外國廣告,電視廣告對你生活的影響 79 If you were the President (a Super star, etc), 如果你是總統(tǒng)或者超級巨星 Imagine If you were (president, Super star, etc). 假如你是總統(tǒng)或者超級巨星,你會… 80 Debate:money, live to work /work to live 金錢,活著是掙錢還是掙錢活著 Debate,in two groups. 分組辯論 口語9級 81 constellations and Zodiac 星座和屬相 Talk about the 12 constellations and Zodiac The main characters. 談?wù)撌亲蜕?,性格特點 82 Debate: Is EQ or IQ more important? 辯論,EQ,IQ哪個更重要? Debate between two groups 分組辯論 83 News discussion. 新聞討論 The latest news 熱點新聞 84 Lay-off and reemployment. 下崗再就業(yè) Why there are so many laid-off workers and how can we solve the problem? 為什么這么多人下崗待業(yè)?如何解決? 85 Happy Halloween 萬圣節(jié)快樂 the history and customs of Haloween, a party 萬圣節(jié)歷史和習(xí)俗 86 Cultural heritage 文化遺產(chǎn) The famous Cultural heritage in China; introducing one or two of them *著名的文化遺產(chǎn),精選一兩個介紹 87 What is Feminism? 什么是女權(quán)主義 The status of women in China and some other countries, giving your opinion about it. 婦女地位,*和國際的,你的觀點 88 How to communicate with Visa Officials. 如何和簽證官交流 Role play:The questions they may ask 簽證官或許會問你的問題 89 Environmental protection 環(huán)境保護 The invironmental issues, how to deal with them? *和世界環(huán)境問題,如何從我做起保護環(huán)境? 90 Cultural misunderstandings. 文化誤解 Why there are cultural misunderstandings? Give some examples. 為什么會有文化誤解,列舉幾個,討論。 4. 商務(wù)口語階段 10-12級 學(xué)習(xí)如何用英語打招呼、問候客戶或公司來賓,進行自我介紹并進入商務(wù)話題; 學(xué)會商務(wù)電話及電子郵件用語;學(xué)習(xí)涉及商業(yè)、社會經(jīng)濟、營銷等相關(guān)日常會話; 學(xué)習(xí)公司各*及職位詞匯并能回答相關(guān)問題; 學(xué)習(xí)如何進行商務(wù)談判、外貿(mào)銷售,如何組織公差,包括預(yù)定機票,酒店房間及如何聯(lián)系客戶。 級別 課次 主題 重點 口語10級 91 At the airport 在機場 Remarks of greetings and leaving-taking 迎接及告別用語 92 making and answering phone calls, western telephone etiquette 接打電話,西方電話禮儀 Presentation of making and answering phone calls 課堂演示接打電話 93 setting agenda for meetings, travel and events 為會議、旅行及重大活動制定工作安排 Scheduling routine tasks for a two-day visit of a business delegation 為一商務(wù)代表團兩日訪問安排日程 94 Job interview 面試 The do’s and don't’s; popular questions; preparing a representation 注意事項;常見的提問;課后準(zhǔn)備演示 95 Business entertainment 商務(wù)招待 Chinese/western/business table manner; translations of names of cooked food; showing opinions);gastronomy 中西餐桌禮儀;菜名翻譯;烹飪法 96 Office talk (1) 辦公室談話 Co-workers同事 Bosses 老板 97 Office talk (2) 辦公室談話 Brainstorm集體討論 The working lunch工作午餐 98 Office Automation 辦公自動化 Talking about hardware 辦公硬件設(shè)施 99 At the Meeting 開會 Meeting procedure; address of the host; interpretaion of a welcoming speech 會議程序;主持人致辭;歡迎辭的翻譯 100 Job descriptions 工作描述 Talking about jobs; Names of popular jobs, professional titles and work tasks 談?wù)摴ぷ鳎灰话愎ぷ黝悇e;職務(wù)名稱及任務(wù) 口語11級 101 Working conditions 工作條件 Talking about working conditions:environment, facilities; boss and workmates; treatment 工作環(huán)境,設(shè)施,老板和員工,待遇 102 Company history 公司歷史 Talking about company history and structure of the students’ own companies and also some famous companies in the world.談?wù)摫竟竞?公司歷史 103 Business trip 商務(wù)旅行 International business trip國際商務(wù)旅行 Hotel situations 旅館情形 104 Telephoning 電話 Leaving and taking messages 留言 Memo 備忘錄 105 Negotiation 談判 clarifying the stakes說明利害關(guān)系 making concessions做出讓步 106 Facts and figures 事實和數(shù)據(jù) Systems 制度 Scheduling日程安排 107 Product description product development 產(chǎn)品描述和產(chǎn)品發(fā)展 Describing products Dimensions, comparatives and superlatives question formation Talking about product development 108 Tourism 旅游 Two-day trip in Hangzhou杭州兩日游 (Each student prepares a tour quide narration for a scenic spot)每位學(xué)員準(zhǔn)備一個景點的導(dǎo)游詞 109 Presentations 業(yè)務(wù)陳述(1) Preparation and development your topic準(zhǔn)備和擴展話題 Introduction and beginnings介紹和開頭 110 Presentations 業(yè)務(wù)陳述(2) 結(jié)論 提問階段 口語12級 111 Teamwork 團隊合作 Do’s and don’ts; 注意事項 112 Marketing topics (1) 營銷話題 Marketing Surveys 市場調(diào)查 Media AD.媒體廣告 113 Marketing topics (2) 營銷話題 Promotional events促銷活動 Developing the market市場開發(fā) 114 Corporate hospitality 商務(wù)接待 Ceremonial speech; 禮節(jié)用語 115 Ordering goods 訂購產(chǎn)品 Order form and its requirements 訂單格式及要求 116 Culture Shock 文化沖擊 Talk about the culture differences and culture shock 談?wù)撐幕町惡臀幕瘺_擊 117 Sales Topics (1) 銷售話題(1) Product demostrations 產(chǎn)品演示 Customer service顧客服務(wù) 118 Public relations 公共關(guān)系 Talk about concept, tasks and means of publicrelaitons; how to establish and develop public relations 談?wù)摴碴P(guān)系的概念,任務(wù),方式, 如何確立發(fā)展公共關(guān)系 119 Guidelines for Prosperous Entertaining and Presentation of Gifts in Business 商務(wù)社交,接送禮物禮儀 Taboos in international business 國際商務(wù)交往中的禁忌 120 Sales Topics (2) 銷售話題(2) Selling points賣點/ Trade shows貿(mào)易展覽 5. 專家口語階段 13-15級 進一步學(xué)習(xí)日常生活及商務(wù)環(huán)境下的地道英語表達,學(xué)習(xí)深入探討涉及社會生活、社會熱點新聞話題、職業(yè)、商務(wù)等領(lǐng)域的話題; 學(xué)習(xí)必要的專業(yè)詞匯及表達,能準(zhǔn)確表達自己的觀點及理由;能與英語*人士進行自由流暢的溝通; 能流利地用英文進行商務(wù)談判、會議報告、產(chǎn)品介紹、與國外團隊合作等。 級別 課次 主題 重點 13級 121 Ceremonial Speech 禮儀祝詞(1) Banquet and welcoming speech 宴會和接待祝詞 122 Ceremonial Speech 禮儀祝詞(2) Thanks and farewell speech 感謝和道別祝詞 123 Business Negotiation 商務(wù)談判(1) Trade Fair 貿(mào)易會 124 Business Negotiation 商務(wù)談判(2) Sign a contract 合同 125 Tourism 旅游 Two-day trip in Hangzhou 杭州兩日游 126 Conference address 大會發(fā)言 Opening ceremony 開幕式 127 Publicity and presentation 宣傳介紹 West Lake Expo 參觀西博會博物館 128 Visit and tour 參觀訪問 A visit to Zhejiang University 參觀浙大 129 Employment practices 雇傭慣例 Recruting personnel人員招聘 Resume簡歷 130 Culture exchange 文化交流 Cross-cultural communications 跨文化交流 14級 131 Catering culture 飲食文化 Differences between Eastern and Western culture in terms of diet customary 中西飲食習(xí)慣差異 132 International topics 國際話題 Sourcing 得到供貨 Export/import出口/進口 133 Health and safety 健康和安全 Concept of healthy life and common knowledge of safety 健康生活的概念及安全常識 134 Rights and work 權(quán)利和工作 The labor law and its major stipulations 勞動法及其重要條款 135 Recruiting staff. 培訓(xùn)員工 Contents of training: working regulations, requirements of qualities, technology and safety 培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容:工作制度,品質(zhì)要求,技術(shù)及安全事項等 136 Big business 跨國公司 Mergers 合并 Climbing the CorporateLadder進入管理層 137 Public relations 公共關(guān)系 Study of positive and negative cases of public relations 研究公共關(guān)系的正反案例 138 Cultural differences and effects on business. 文化差異及其影響 Principles of dealing with cultural differences and examples in international exchanges 對待文化差異的原則;國際交往中的案例 139 Publicity and presentation 宣傳介紹 2010 Shanghai International Expo 上海世博會 140 Going globe 走向世界 History of international trade; international strategy of Chinese Government; requirements of Chinese citizens abroad 國際貿(mào)易史;**的國際戰(zhàn)略;對*涉外公民的要求 15級 141 A Leader and A Good Listener, At the Same Time 精英人才的素養(yǎng)之一:善于傾聽 Making decisions and practicing democracy; How to approach suggestions from lower levels 決策與民主; 如何對待來自下層的建議 142 Four Main Parts of a Presentation 商業(yè)演示的四個部分 Detailed presentation and examples 演示細節(jié)及樣例 143 Cultural Differences 文化差異 Six Fundamental Patterns of Cultural Differences 了解不同:中西文化差異的六種基本模式 144 Practices on "small talks" 掌握輕松會話的技巧 Backgrounds, relationship of speakers situations and ellipsis of conversation 談話中的背景、參與談話人的關(guān)系、場景及語言省略技巧 145 Negotiation English 談判英語 What You Should Know Before Negotiating Negotiation Tactics Negotiation Language 談判磋商的語言和策略 146 Product Promotion 產(chǎn)品促銷 how to make effective use of the media when promoting a new product or service 如何有效的利用媒體促銷產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)。 147 Latest news 最近的新聞 Read the newspaper then talk about the news 讀報紙,談?wù)撔侣? 148 Continuing Education (1) 繼續(xù)教育 Management training/ company retreats 管理人員培訓(xùn)/公司培訓(xùn) 149 Continuing Education (2) 繼續(xù)教育 Seminars/ Team building 研討會/團隊建設(shè) 150 Disasters 災(zāi)難 Learn the words about disaster, ways of escaping, appreciate the lines of “The day after tomorrw” “2010”, discuss the issue of environmental pollution. 學(xué)習(xí)各種災(zāi)難的英語表達,一些逃生方法,電影《后天》和《2012》臺詞欣賞,討論世界末日和環(huán)境污染問題 五. 師資介紹: Chris來自加拿大,是一名資深英語老師。憑借他豐富的人生閱歷和教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,他的課堂總是富有知識性和啟發(fā)性。他畢業(yè)于哈佛商,曾是IBM的管理人員,先后在英格蘭創(chuàng)建和管理自己的語言實驗室,在加拿大溫哥華的夜校教授新移民英語。來到*后他先在*里教授英語,IT以及商務(wù)管理,他所教的班級參加BEC考試合格率*。他把他商務(wù)經(jīng)驗和人生感悟融入課堂,深受學(xué)員的歡迎。同時,在團訓(xùn)項目中,他根據(jù)客戶的需求,研究和設(shè)計針對性課程,好評度相當(dāng)?shù)母摺? Chris comes from Canada and is a very experienced teacher . With abundant life and teaching experience, he has always been able to make his class an instructive and enlightening one. He graduated from Harvard Business School and used to be a member of the management at IBM. He established and ran his own language lab in England and then taught English to immigrants at a night college in Vancouver, Canada. Since he came to China, he has taught college English, IT and Business Management courses at universities. Students in his class had a * pass rate for BEC. He has integrated his business experience and understanding of life into his classroom teaching, which makes his class extremely popular with the students. In corporate training programs, he has designed tailor-made courses according to the specific requirements of the clients and is highly praised by the students. Michael P. McBride Education: Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Languages and Cultures. Univ. of Southern California. Associate of Arts in General Education Pasadena City College Pasadena, Ca Los Angeles City College Grade Point Average - 3.4 邁克爾 南加州文學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位 Work Experience: Zhejiang Yuxiang Foreign Languages College – Anji, China Wendy Language Training Center – Shiyan, China Aston `Future English School – Dalian, China Beijing Chinese Medical Center - Santa Monica, CA University of Southern California Faculty Center – Los Angeles, CA 曾經(jīng)在浙江安吉外國語學(xué)校,湖北十堰文迪外語學(xué)校,大連奧斯頓英語學(xué)校,北京中醫(yī)*,南加州*等任教。 他精通漢語和*文化,課堂生動活潑,充分發(fā)揮學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)積極性,深受學(xué)生好評。 Martin Vander Broek 8+ Years Sales & Marketing 8+ Years Project - Purchasing Management 6+ Years Teaching – ESL Education Bachelor of Science Northern Michigan University, Marquette Facility Management Major, Business Administration Minor One year study Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Program Management First Aid/CPR training/teaching Working experiences: Direct work experience with the following international corporations/organizations: The Boeing Company Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. University of California Citigroup Primerica Division) BMW 馬汀: 密歇根理工*畢業(yè),曾經(jīng)在波音公司,加州*,寶馬公司任職。 他熱愛旅游,游歷了世界五十多個*和*25個省市,在多家國際大公司工作的經(jīng)驗和豐富的人生閱歷,讓他的課堂總是那么涵蓋面廣,不僅是英語語言的學(xué)習(xí),而且是各個層面的技能學(xué)習(xí)。 Teresa 華沙* 碩士學(xué)位 曾經(jīng)在華沙*,比利時布魯塞爾*教授英語,同時在波蘭國際旅行社做口譯。 上課風(fēng)格:調(diào)理清晰,大膽鼓勵學(xué)生開口,課堂生動活潑,深受學(xué)生喜愛。 中教介紹:柳若云老師(Maggie) 畢業(yè)于武漢*英語系,獲得華中師范*英語語言文學(xué)碩士學(xué)位,從事英語教學(xué)十余年,具有豐富的經(jīng)驗。 口語地道流利,課堂氣氛活潑生動,充分調(diào)動學(xué)生的英語學(xué)習(xí)積極性,使學(xué)生在快樂的氣氛中學(xué)習(xí)英語,培養(yǎng)的學(xué)生中有雅思8.5分,很多學(xué)生考出了7.5以上,大部分學(xué)生在世界各*學(xué)府深造。